Wednesday, July 23, 2008

night rider...

well, i have jet lag. i went to sleep at 2 am, and woke up at 5:15... in the evening!! so i went out for a "morning" ride. thats one of the perks of being awake at night. its cooler outside, and the sunsets are nice.
hours? time? day light? its all for the weak, i say. big kudos to my friend, jeremiah bishop, who- within one month- won the american marathon championship, AND the short track championship. this guy is all over thr place!!
and, a "feel better" greeting to sue haywood. breaking her first ever bone in her body, on the last day as a pro rider... that must say somthing. don't know what. but it does. (maybe- be careful, while you ride your bike...). love you sue.

1 comment:

אורי טל said...

jesus! you growed some hare!