Monday, March 31, 2008

short track hurts!!!

well, we started out about 100 strong. the lap took around 2:35 minutes, and people were getting pulled out after the third lap. i held on for five laps. only 15 riders or so finished the the whole 23 minute race.
this is me, somwhere in the back of the field, before the start. it was so dusty, i have been pulling chunks of dirt out of my nose and ears for the last two hours.
again, some people are here for different reasons...

Sunday, March 30, 2008

as the dust settled...

geoff kabush won the race. i was posting 30:30 minute laps and he was posting 26 minute laps. the result? i was pulled from the race in the last lap, although he did not lap me. whatever. all in all it was a good race. the start was hectic, as 100 riders tried to go up a singletrack uphill. traffic jam!
before the race i warmed up with jeff and ross. tomorrow is the short track. a hard hard effort. 20 minutes or so of pain. anyway, all things considered, i was doing alright today. i will get stronger by next week, i guess.
and this little guy knows best. he has no worries at all... well, apart from how to get his hand as deep as possible down this cave he found in the ground. his mom will have to worry after that.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

melt down...

today i got back from practice on the race course, and my fridge stoped working!!!! all the frozen chicken breast started flying around in the fridge. what the hell....?
it works again, thank god, or my generator, whatever suits your fancy.
how cool is that number plate, huh? and we get to keep it. i can use it as a dinner plate and eat off of it before big races. or not.

Friday, March 28, 2008

a part of a team.

today the team riders have arrived, apart from sue, JB, jenny and chris, that are all in south africa, kicking some euro ass in the cape epic race... its nice hanging my bike next to its own friends. my bike likes meeting some other carbon frames.
you know you have to go fast, when your name means "faster" in german. those germans are on to somthing, i tell ya'.
and this is ross, he is a pro rider for trek VW. he is one fast dude. his last name, by the way, is- schnell...
man, chicks on wheels... got to love that.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

old habits die hard.

one's habits are hard to change. mine is not taking drugs. of any kind. well, my situation really required some kind of outside help. hence the imodium. i hope it helps.

out in the open...

coming out from the haze of downtown LA, it seemed like everybody here breathes cars Co2 instead of actual air...
and on the highway, it was the maze of roads inter-connecting, that blew my mind again.
its a good thing that i am a friendly person, as the orgenizers actually remembered me from the last time i was here, and gave me permission to park right by the venue, in a perfect place. they even remembered my fricking name!!! (again, its H around here...).
i love the way everything is getting done here. its like a ceremony: the team trailers show up, dirty from the long drive. the mechanics jump out of the car, start washing it, and then start to open the team tent. i said hello to everybody...
and these are the bikes in the trailer. all clean and ready for the races. (i forgot to rotate it, sorry...). tomorrow the riders will come, and the party will begin.
i am not in my best form, a stomach flu, or somthing close, but i like the course, and hope to be alright by saturday. lets go racing!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

far far away...

remember this!!
this is the mile count on my speedometer, on the first day of my trip. i will, once in a while, update the blog as the miles add up. its going to be a long one. my guess? around 16,000 miles...
whats your guess?
hit it.

where i am...

no, i am not a wizard.
alright, so thats where we stand: car? ready. food? yep! bikes? ready. laundry- done. battaries for camera- filled. books for the empty hours? ready to be read. car magazines? loads. fuel- full. LPG- full. water- check. holding tanks- empty. one rider- ready for the roads ahead... but looking, well, a little strange.

its my happy face~~~! comes morning time, and off i go to the venue of my first national montain bike race of the season: fontana.

from there, on monday, i am driving to pheonix AZ, for the second race... desert- here i come.

now you understand the face.

Monday, March 24, 2008


when you need to go shopping, there is only one place to go- costco.
when you know you need loads of stuff, but only have little to pay with- costco.

where all the carts are as big as a house, and you need a car to get through the isles- sostco.

where butter comes in buckets, and you can skip lunch and "try" some new chicken nuggets- costco.

where you buy and you buy, and can't fit it in your car- costco.

a love song to costco, by a happy buyer. (if you want someone to sponsor, i am open).
since i was already there, and the stupid hummer was there, as clean as a whistle, no mud to be seen, i had to give him the honors of "fuck hummer".

Sunday, March 23, 2008


i don't feel too well. i think i am de-hydrated. its hot and dry here in L.A and i have been riding alot.i need to drink more. the air cinditioning in the R.V is out, and its as hot as the american girls i saw today in brentwood. running. in shorts. hot. well, i guess i need more than a drink...

soul food.

its been a week since i left home. the jet-leg is almost gone. the motor home is almost ready. i know where i am, and where and when i need to be in the next 6 months... everything in the middle is a blank piece of paper. its up to me to fill it up with somthing... since i can't draw that well, i think i will fold it into somthing nice.
a boat, maybe. or not.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

decided to stick around...

i decided not to go to redrock, as i got an invitation to a group offroad ride. couldn't refuse.
anyway, got into a 99cents store. i tell you, the things you can buy for less than a buck!! it won't last that long, but you will enjoy the fact that you screwed the system for just enough time to be happy... i can spend a whole day in there, with the old people, and freaky looking hobos.

Friday, March 21, 2008

out and about...

i am going out on a little trip for the weekend. took my 9.9 with me, and we are going to a place called "redrock" mountain. sharon and his family have a huge motorhome, and we are all going to sleep in it. its h-u-g-e. 40 feet of luxury motoring. pictures will come soon. wer'e also taking sharon's buggy. it will be so much fun.

for the non-believer.

sitting in a car, 15,000 kilometers from jerusalem, i found this guy praying. if the holy country is so important to him, what the hell is he doing here? only god has the answers... or does he?
it is such a bizzar image, seeing this guy in a big ass SUV wearing the whole "teffilin" shabang, not even looking at me while i take his picture.
israel, it seems, is not holy enough for him to live in.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


i took my R.V to get some tender love and care... you know, oil, air, water and such. the jiffy lube guys worked on it, and said it was in a great shape... now all i need to do, is to get in shape also. on the roads and ready to go in a few days.
look at that cute little beast... isn't it beutiful?
by the way, i need a driver. who's into it? huh?

the truth...

got this from some kids that i train.... i swear, i never touched them.
anyway, went to renew my californian driver's license. i am telling you, the system here is a joke! i had to answer an 18 question exam, and not make more than 3 mistakes. ofcourse i made 4. so the guy tells me: answer these 2 right, and you get your license...". so i said "what is this, some kind of a game show?". anyway, i passed with honors, and now its legal for me to run over people.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

a bike is a bike...

if i can ride on the road with my mountain bike, why can't i ride my road bike in the mountains? no reason. thats why i took it for an off road adventure!! nothing too extreme (ilan...), and i am happy to say its so good... fast cornering, light, and agile. oh, and its also good on the road.

the best thing about the west coast...

is the chipotle burritos....mmmmmm... burrito... israel has the falafel, and here its the burrito... mmmm burrito... it starts out like this. about 500 grams of yummy burrito....
then you start chewing. it is so good...
after 2 and a half minutes it looks like this... mmmm...burrito....
and this is my side kick. as you see, it lives up to its name, as its on the side... (forgot to rotate it, oops...). 5.63 dollars of pure heaven, just went into my belly. it was worth every pedal stroke.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

for lack of better words...

this is my number plate. so if you see a motor home cruising by you, looking all happy, smiling and on a mission, your'e more than welcome to hop on it... it goes all around the states. i will drop you where ever you need.
and i thought it was ELVIS!!
by the way, i have a phone number. if you call from israel, its: 013-1-818-357-3461
try me. i am always home. like a turtle, with my home on my back. and do not call me at night. i am dreaming too hard. the time difference is 9 hours, and i am behind you.

Monday, March 17, 2008


where the hills are alive...
with the sounds of V12 engines...
and the higher your house is...
the better the views are...
and the bigger and blinger your 22 inch wheels are.

my house

living room is spacious and comfy...
the kitchen has all the amenities.
my bedroom. where all the... sleeping takes place. mom...

my america...

what can i say?