Wednesday, February 25, 2009


yesterday, after a hard workout (2x25 minutes climbs), i felt bad. real bad. my head was aching like never before. i felt like i was about to faint or somthing... i had to lay down and let it go away. my babe came to the rescue. i feel great now, but it was frighetning, really.
Elmo moved to the new house, too. this is him laughing, as we busted our asses carrying stuff into the house. bastard.

and of course- big kudos to Itay, for finally popping the question. Adi said yes. wooohooo.
Adi, by the way, is not in the picture. Itay is the guy with the NOSE, obviously...

1 comment:

Ofriki said...

what about Dror & me? and uri & Miki? dont we deserve Mazal Tov for our wedding?
Well i feel it's a discrimination! i want to be mentioned on your wonderfull blog as well.