Sunday, January 11, 2009

going abroad...

in a few minutes i'll be 28 years old... and what's better to do than celebrate it by hopping on a plane with the girl i love, and travel to europe?
so, wer'e off to Prague. we'll take it easy, and be off the grid for a few days, so i won't update the blog 'till friday. bring on the cold :)


Anonymous said...

מזללל טובבבב!! רגע בן כמה אתה??? 42 או 43?? ככה או ככה אתה כבר ממש זקן אבל לא נורא יהיה בסדר
תיהנה בצ'כיה...
נועה :)

Anonymous said...

H, hello from Bend Oregon. I found your blog that you left in my file! Ya! It sounds like life is treating you well. Your girlfriend is beautiful and a rider. What more could a man ask for? I tired to call you but I have an old number. Call agian or e-mail. Ann
(541)788-1639. We miss you and wish you all the best :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, and happy birthday!

Love Ann and Jeff