so. here i am, a full month before the longest ride of my life, and i feel a little out of shape. the wedding preparations and all, you know...
so i built myself a little training plan. a two week ride-your-bike-as-much-as-you-can, and go to sleep early kind of plan. its working. i do go to sleep early.
and i am hungry all the time, so it must say something about my riding. it also might just say that i'm about to get fat.
לישון מוקדם ולאכול הרבה זה סימן שאתה .......... בהריון
חנוכי,אל תשים לב לחן...
מי שצריך להיכנס להריון זה לא אתה...
סתתתתתם !!!!!!!!!!!
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