Wednesday, July 29, 2009

blogging blockage.

somtimes i find it hard to write a post in the blog. its not that there's nothing going on in my life, its just that its not always in me, writing about it in the blog. thing is, i feel obliged to do so, mostly because i have alot of readers, just like you...
the other day i saw a "kermit" on the road, just like mine. i wonder if his A\C isn't working well, just like mine, and the electric windows refuse to work- just like mine, and if the gearbox stick falls apart right out of its place- just like mine does. i love this car.

a soldier in the army of singletrack builders, ofcourse.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

come with us tomorrow morning (you know you miss it) and i'll even take some pics of you that will break this blockage ;)